How Does it Work?

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Food is collected from churches, schools, and other interested organisations.

The Food Parcels

Each parcel contains enough nutritionally balanced food for three days, mostly tinned and packaged food, supplemented by fresh fruit and vegetables provided by the Oxford Food Hub.

The Warehouse

Donate Food

Most of the items are stored in a local warehouse that has been checked by the Health and Safety Executive.

The Recipients

Those in need of help are referred by GPs, Health visitors, CAB, clergy, Community Workers etc – any professionals who are likely to encounter people in real need. Unfortunately it is not possible to self-refer.

Our Aim

CEF’s aim is to help people through a time of crisis, so during this period, people can be referred 5 times without any questions asked. If the need continues, a discussion will be held between the referrer and CEF to try and come up with a workable solution.

The Project

This is a Christian project that aims to be non-denominational and is supported by local churches, individuals and other organisations in the Oxford area.

Privacy Policy

You can download a pdf of our Privacy Policy here.


Complaints Procedure

You can download a pdf of our Complaints Procedure here.


Financial Information

View the CEF page on the Charity Commission website.


Safeguarding Policy

You can download a pdf of our Safeguarding Policy here.


Copyright © 2022 The Community Emergency Food Bank - Registered Charity No 1153907

Patrons: The Rt Revd Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford and The Revd Canon Geoff Baylis, Vicar of St James and St Francis Churches, Oxford