Jane’s Walk 2023 – Day 15

Today is our last day, and we assume we will have a leisurely walk on a grey, blustery day. Out of Gorlestone on Sea with its wide open beach with a sign saying no dogs between May and the end of September, which we ignore as no one is around. We are told that today, the path goes along the top of the cliffs along the side of a golf course.

We find a gate and steps up to the golf course, which is firmly locked, so we continue along the seafront. High tide is at 10:30 am, but there is a solid wooden barrier by the sea and plenty of dry sand behind it. Lots of people on the beach, so we feel confident. We ask a lady playing with her dogs if it is safe to walk on, and she assures us it is and that she comes this way every day and there are steps up, not much further along.

She is right that there are steps, but beside them is another pile of stone boulders for about 100 yards, and the sea is now in front of them. We attempt to climb over them but think better of it, and Moses will certainly not follow. Sensible dog. I try to walk in front of them and get soaked in the process. There is no alternative but to retrace our steps to Gorlestone. We pass other walkers, much younger than us, who are prepared to negotiate the rocks, but they have youth on their side! It’s now pouring with rain, which adds to our misery.

On the way back, we see the steps up to the golf course that we should have taken on our way out. We ring Richard, and he picks us up and takes us to a hotel that allows us to change and have a welcome cup of coffee. We eventually make our way into Lowerstoft, none the worse for our little adventure.

Having completed the walk, we decided to visit Norwich Cathedral, which is on our route home to Oxford. We are lucky as they are holding a service of Evensong at the cathedral in memory of the Battle of Britain, and we enjoy some sublime music and singing. A fitting end to our journey around Norfolk.

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Patrons: The Rt Revd Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford and The Revd Canon Geoff Baylis, Vicar of St James and St Francis Churches, Oxford