Jane’s Walk 2022 – Day 9

Today we were joined by our son-in-law John, who arrived from Oxford by train. Just as we were preparing to set off, I received a WhatsApp message from my son quoting a prayer his daughter made up last night. I think it sums up everything we are feeling:

“Lord Jesus, we are so sad that the queen died today. As I speak to you right now, you are likely to be speaking to her as you welcome her into heaven. Please would you make her feel very welcome. Would you tell her what an incredible job she did and that everyone in the world is crying and missing her.”

Amen to that!

The walk took us out of Reading – on not the best-kept of paths – along the river and out into the countryside. The river traffic has increased considerably during the past few days, with every shape and size of boat and barge. Some of the barges appeared bigger and wider here than further upriver, which must make the accommodation inside less like living permanently in a corridor.

We had fun watching a group of young people learning to manage a paddle board. Some were lying or sitting on their boards while others quickly mastered the ability to stand up. It was all accompanied by a lot of laughter and shouting. Another group were in canoes but were being hooted at by an elderly man in a barge as they were straying onto the wrong side of the river.

As we left Reading behind, we relished the peaceful countryside, away from the usual sound of traffic, and enjoyed seeing a heron as well as egrets amongst a flock of sheep.

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Patrons: The Rt Revd Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford and The Revd Canon Geoff Baylis, Vicar of St James and St Francis Churches, Oxford